Can I use library that used android support with Androidx projects.

You can enable Jetifier on your project, which will basically exchange the Android Support Library dependencies in your project dependencies with AndroidX-ones. (e.g. Your Lottie dependencies will be changed from Support to AnroidX)

From the Android Studio Documentation (

The Android Gradle plugin provides the following global flags that you can set in your file:

  • android.useAndroidX: When set to true, this flag indicates that you want to start using AndroidX from now on. If the flag is absent, Android Studio behaves as if the flag were set to false.
  • android.enableJetifier: When set to true, this flag indicates that you want to have tool support (from the Android Gradle plugin) to automatically convert existing third-party libraries as if they were written for AndroidX. If the flag is absent, Android Studio behaves as if the flag were set to false.

Precondition for Jetifier:

  • you have to use at least Android Studio 3.2

To enable jetifier, add those two lines to your file:


Finally, please check the release notes of AndroidX, because jetifier has still some problems with some libraries (e.g. Dagger Android):

Manually adding android.useAndroidX=true and android.enableJetifier=true giving me hard time. Because it's throw some error or Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:appComponentFactory"' to <application>

To Enable Jet-fire in project there is option in android Studio

Select Your Project ---> Right Click

app----> Refactor ----> Migrate to AndroidX

Shown in below image:-

enter image description here

After click on Migrate to AndroidX.

It will ask for confirmation and back up for your project.

enter image description here

And last step it will ask you for to do refactor.

enter image description here

After doing Refactor check your have android.useAndroidX=true and android.enableJetifier=true. If they are not then add these two lines to your file:


Note:- Upgrading using Android Studio, this option works if you have android studio 3.2 and onward. Check this

You need not to worry

Just enable Jetifier in your projet.

  • Update Android Studio to 3.2.0 or newer.
  • Open and add below two lines.


It will convert all support libraries of your dependency to AndroidX at run time (you may have compile time errors, but app will run).