Disable top (n) Sort Optimization for a specific view

I can't think of a fully transparent way to achieve what you want with views without disabling row goals in general, which probably won't suit your purposes.

As the purpose of the view is to provide some business analytics to data analysts, while they are developing reports they use to check a sample of the view by doing a select (top N) query.

Perhaps you could convince them to use a TOP (x) PERCENT instead? This has to count the number of rows in the whole set to work out the percentage. Materializing the full set comes with a tempdb cost, but this could be manageable if the data is a reasonable size. In any case it will give a plan without a row goal.


They may find this more natural than choosing an arbitrary sort order (and one which is guaranteed to need a physical sort.

All that said, it's possible that a detailed investigation would reveal tuning options to make the query with TOP as quick as it should be. That's consulting work though, so beyond what can be addressed here on the basis of estimated plans alone.