Firebase deploy errors starting with non-zero exit code (space in project path)

"predeploy": [ "npm --prefix \"$RESOURCE_DIR\" run lint" ]

I remove that on firebase.json finally, it started to deploy again

What happens actually is that in Windows, firebase.json contains the following by default:

"predeploy": [
  "npm --prefix \"$RESOURCE_DIR\" run lint"

Modify it to:

"predeploy": [
  "npm --prefix \"%RESOURCE_DIR%\" run lint"

It worked for me, hope it works for you.

For me, none of the above worked. Initially, on a fresh firebase-function install, I was getting error on non-zero exit code2. so I removed the functions directory, re-installed, but on the functions directory configuration step, I chose to say "no" to the add-lint step.

once I chose to not include lint, I got error non-zero exit code1.

from there checked my firebase.json file and looked at the predeploy script. because the deployment process was failing at this point, it was where I started. my firebase.json file looked like this:

    "functions": {
        "predeploy": [ "npm --prefix \"$RESOURCE_DIR\" run lint" ]

for some reason I intuitively thought to remove the lint in the predeploy script. this fixed everything. Im on MacOS by the way..

The error stems from the fact that you have a space somewhere in the path of your project ("Google Drive"):

C:\Users\faruk\Google Drive\Android\firebase\1\$RESOURCE_DIR\package.json

Unfortunately, this is confusing the npm command line, and it's taking that as two arguments separated by that space.

Normally, I would expect to be able to place quotes around the whole thing to keep the space from being interpreted that way. So I tried this:

"predeploy": [
  "npm --prefix \"%RESOURCE_DIR%\" run lint"

And it works for me.

I'll follow up with the Firebase team internally about this issue, as well as the fact that changes need to be made for Windows.