How to add/remove FormControl from a nested FormGroup

This works for me:

(this.candidateForm.get('address') as FormGroup).addControl('address3', this.formBuilder.control(null));
(this.candidateForm.get('address') as FormGroup).removeControl('address3');

First you have to get the sub FormGroup from your main FormGroup, and then you could use the addControl and removeControl refrenced in the documentation here:

So in your case it would be:



I tried Adhikari answer but could not worked for me, it always throw error:

error TS2339: Property 'addControl' does not exist on type 'AbstractControl'.

His answer helped me to think, and finally I came out with this:

Write a getter property anywhere like this (to get the group):

get addressGroup() { return this.candidateForm.get('address'); }

Now wherever you want to add some controls, use like this:

if(this.addressGroup instanceof FormGroup){
   var ctrl:AbstractControl = this.fBuilder.control('', [Validators.required]);
   (<FormGroup>this.addressGroup).addControl('address3', ctrl);

   var emailCtrl:AbstractControl = this.fBuilder.control('', []);
   (<FormGroup>this.addressGroup).addControl('myEmail', emailCtrl);

   var add4:AbstractControl = this.fBuilder.control('', []);
   (<FormGroup>this.addressGroup).addControl('address4', add4);

It is an old question, but hope this will help someone!