How to make an ipywidgets Image clickable?

let kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;


can even get printed data back from python

let callback = {
        iopub: {
            // have a look at data on console for its structure
            output: (data) => {console.log(data)}}
let kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;
kernel.execute("on_image_click()", callback);

After playing around with this, the only way I could do it so far is by using some javascript... in the python code, I have something like:

from ipywidgets import Image
from IPython.display import display, Javascript
im = Image(value=open(filename, 'rb').read())

def on_image_click():
    #do something....

#Now, I wrote some javascript(jQuery) code like this...
js = ''' $(".the_image_class").on("click", function(e){
             var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;

#then, run the javascript...

Which is kind of missing the point of using the widgets entirely in python... Is there a better way to bind python functions to the widgets events, without javascript?

I find the other responses to be hacks (Injecting JavaScript on the page is not a good practice, and it might not work in JupyterLab).

You can have a look at ipyevents:

It allows you to add event listeners to any widget, and it is developed by a core-ipywidgets maintainer.