list all artifacts in a repository on JFrog Artifactory

For me it worked when I used Content-Type text/plain instead of application/json, i.e.

curl -u uname -X POST http://host:8081/artifactory/api/search/aql -H "content-type: text/plain" -d @filename.aql

AQL is the way to go. And your query is almost good (you forgot the $match for all the repos starting with war or web. The problem is curl. If you want to write the query string in the command line you need to escape all the inner " and $. Here's the working query:

curl -u uname:password -X POST -k -d "items.find({\"type\" : \"file\",\"\$or\":[{\"repo\" : {\"\$match\" : \"war*\"}, \"repo\" : {\"\$match\" : \"web*\"} }]}).include(\"name\",\"repo\",\"path\",\"size\").sort({\"\$desc\": [\"size\"]}).limit(10)"

Now, this is hell. Instead, consider writing the query in a text file and passing it with -d @filename.aql. In this case you don't need all the escaping and the query will look like:

  "type" : "file",
    "repo" : {"$match" : "war*"}, 
    "repo" : {"$match" : "web*"} }]})
  .sort({"$desc": ["size"]})