Reloading .env variables without restarting server (Laravel 5, shared hosting)

If you have run php artisan config:cache on your server, then your Laravel app could cache outdated config settings that you've put in the .env file.

Run php artisan config:clear to fix that.

It's possible that your configuration variables are cached. Verify your config/app.php as well as your .env file then try

php artisan cache:clear

on the command line.

I know this is old, but for local dev, this is what got things back to a production .env file:

rm bootstrap/cache/config.php


php artisan config:cache
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear

To be clear there are 4 types of caches you can clear depending upon your case.

php artisan cache:clear

You can run the above statement in your console when you wish to clear the application cache. What it does is that this statement clears all caches inside storage\framework\cache.

php artisan route:cache

This clears your route cache. So if you have added a new route or have changed a route controller or action you can use this one to reload the same.

php artisan config:cache 

This will clear the caching of the env file and reload it

php artisan view:clear 

This will clear the compiled view files of your application.

For Shared Hosting

Most of the shared hosting providers don't provide SSH access to the systems. In such a case you will need to create a route and call the following line as below:

Route::get('/clear-cache', function() {
    return "All cache cleared";