Ruby hash equivalent of JavaScript's object initializer ES6 shorthand

No, there is no such shorthand notation.

Short answer no.

Longer answer

Shugo Maeda proposed a patch for this in 2015 (you can read the details about this here:

At the time Matz wasn't into the idea, but might be willing to change his mind in the future.

In the mean time - you can make use of Shugo's patch and patch your own version of Ruby to have ES6 hash literals yourself!

To patch Ruby to add the hashes do the following:

1) Download the patch from here (currently works with Ruby 2.5.0)

2) Use RVM to install a patched version of this Ruby. i.e.

rvm install 2.5.0 -n imphash --patch imphash.patch

Then you can use RVM to select the patched version of Ruby:

rvm use 2.5.0-imphash

(Imphash is short for implicit hash)

Not built in to the language. But what do you think of this?

def hash_shorthand(source_binding, *symbols)
  hash = {}

  symbols.each do |symbol|
    hash[symbol] = source_binding.local_variable_get(symbol)


$ irb -r './hash_shorthand.rb' 
>> x = 10
>> y = 20
>> puts hash_shorthand(binding, :x, :y)
{:x=>10, :y=>20}

Only downside is that you'll need to pass the binding to get access to the local variables.