Visual Studio Code Intellisense not working for Javascript

I experienced this on global "process" object. Vscode enabled intellisense for process object, only if I add any "require" statements to the file.

So if there is not any other require statements, you can add

const process = require('process');

in the beginning of your script to get intellisense.

The above links are outdated. In older versions of VS Code you needed to reference your typings like /// <reference path> for somelibrary.d.ts.

With new version you need to initialize your project by creating jsconfig.json at the root of your project and add the following inside:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es5",
        "module": "commonjs"
    "exclude": [

Next install typing you need. You can use either tsd or typings. In your case you need to install tsd install node or typings install node --ambient. Make sure you have typings/tsd installed. Restart project.

Please refer to docs:

  1. Setup JS project -
  2. Node.js -
  3. Debugging -


Since version 1.7 there is no need to manually install typings, they should be downloaded automatically. Better JavaScript IntelliSense

There is a built-in extension called TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features (vscode.typescript-language-features) that is disabled.

In order to enable it, open Extensions panel, search for "@built-in JavaScript", and enable the required extension.

Now you should be able to use the autocomplete feature.