What are the best practices for safely parsing a string?

TryParse has the obvious advantage that in the case of failure it will return false instead of throwing an exception.

The standard pattern would be something like:

int value;
if (int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["Id"], out value))
    // Use value
    // Do whatever you want on failure

Now, it's also worth bearing in mind that you can give int.TryParse an IFormatProvider and a NumberStyles - for example, you may well want to specify CultureInfo.InvariantCulture as the IFormatProvider if this is really meant to be an auto-generated ID (rather than one entered by a user).

If you want to effectively have "default values" you could write a helper method like this:

public static int? NullableTryParseInt32(string text)
    int value;
    return int.TryParse(text, out value) ? value : (int?) null;

You can then use this like so:

int value = NullableTryParseInt32(text) ?? 10;

Or you could just write a method which takes a default value, of course :)