About Global variable for iOS Project

There are several ways to create "global" variables in Swift, and I will describe some of them.

1. Defining variables in AppDelegate

AppDelegate seems like a logic place for some global variables. As you said you can create instance of logger or create instance of something else in AppDelegate.

To create instance which will be used as a global variable go to the AppDelegate.swift and create the variable like this:

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    let myAppInstance = SomeClass()

Then, if you want to access myAppInstance in any other part of the application you would write:

let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate

2. Creating singletons

Singletons are probably one of the most used design patters used through any Apple platform. They are present in almost any iOS API you are using when creating application, and they are commonly used to create global variables.

Essentially, singletons are lazy-loaded instances which are only created once. Let's look at the code example:

class MyDataStructure {
   static var sharedInstance = MyDataStructure() // This is singleton

   private init() {


We have created the class MyDataStructure and the singleton instance named sharedInstance. This is the most common name for the singletons since that singletons are shared instances through the app.

Note the use of the static keyword when defining singleton. static keyword tells the compiler to create sharedInstance only the first time it is being accessed. Any other access to the sharedInstance will just reuse instance that is created first time.

To use it you would just write:
